Icon of intellectual erotica and master of charismatic immersive acting with a light touch of sophisticated provocation.

Agneta is a traveling show-lady, headliner of numerous cabaret shows all over Europe and special guest at iconic fetish parties.

Agneta's idea is based on aristocratic/intellectual/theatrical approach to eroticism.

Her one-woman dance stories range from tasteful cabaret acts to complicated ones with a lot of drama inside.

All her acts are created according to high professional standards, with expense and class.

She is creator of “aristocratic eroticism” concept teaching women all over Europe how to be sexy in a beautiful, powerful and non-vulgar way.

Agneta started her professional career in 2017 in Moscow and debuted internationally in 2018 in London following with shows all over Europe (12 countries, 30 cities).

Headlined “Caput Mundi IBA” in Rome, “Danger Strip“ show in Edinburgh and various cabaret shows in England, France, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Spain and other countries from Portugal to Norway.